5 Tips for Your Boudoir Experience with Boudoir By Kayla

Boudoir is a very intimate & vulnerable kind of photography. I get so many questions on different aspects of the subject & I very much enjoy helping others learn more about the subject. Here are some things you may not think of when you wonder about your boudoir experience;


1. Communication is key!

I would love to know what you're thinking when it comes to your boudoir session & everything that comes with it, but sadly, I cannot read your mind. If you have any question or any concern that comes to mind, let me know. I welcome all questions & I understand that a lot of information is being sent your way with this amazing adventure!



2. Poses that look amazing & sexy usually don't feel that way.

During your session I'll end up talking you through various poses & some of them may feel awkward. Rest assured, I'm capturing the beautiful human that you are on the other side of the camera. I pride myself in constantly learning more & knowing my craft so that I can, not only provide a wonderful experience for my clients, but I can also make sure that you're posed best for what you love most about yourself. (I also warn my clients to stretch for a few minutes every day prior to their session).


3. I'll be all up in your space.

Personally, I love my personal space, but when it comes to boudoir photography, getting those up close details images is also a must! I promise not to smell bad or have bad breath though! (I'll also, more than likely, warn you beforehand).


4. Boudoir isn't just lingerie & implied nudity!

Many people think of boudoir photography as sessions being done in lingerie or barely covered in bed sheets....while this does happen, please remember that this whole event is based on you & who you are. I encourage all of my clients to look through their closets & bring in wardrobe options that they love to be in & are comfy wearing. I've had plenty of sessions where oversized sweaters, men's button down shirts & night gowns are part of the attire. This isn't just about how you look...it's about how you feel. If you feel comfortable (aside from a pose here & there) then the rest will follow.



5. Boudoir isn't just looking good

As mentioned above, boudoir is about feeling good. This new movement of body empowerment is causing everyone to stress about making sure the love how their bodies look 24/7. We're only human & I don't know about you, but there are days where I don't jump for joy after looking in the mirror. I'm making sure that during anyone's session we are focusing on what you love about yourself, inside & out. Maybe you're super caring, or you have a deep passion for a cause, or you have an amazing sense of humor. I'm making sure to capture that. Beauty isn't skin deep ladies...so SELF LOVE not body empowerment.


 So, are you ready to fall in love with you?

Fill out an Inquiry here & let's get this self love thing going!


What to Wear for Your Experience with Boudoir By Kayla