This isn’t a Photoshoot | North Carolina Boudoir

I was talking to a client recently about a conversation she had with one of her friends. She was talking about her Boudoir sessions & her friend mentioned she could do the same thing for so much cheaper. My client, having had three sessions with me already, looked at her friend & told her there was no way.

First, I have the most amazing fucking clients! Second, one of my biggest reasons for being a Boudoir photographer is because this isn’t a photoshoot. Keep reading to find out why.

I started doing photography like most others, as a hobby with one of those “fancy cameras” & I thought I wanted to do senior portraits. As I got further down the road, I came across boudoir & fell in love with the “pretty pictures” & the lighting. So that became my focus. I’m very lucky to have had access to many wonderful Boudoir educators & learn how to improve my craft & my business.

Now, here I am years later, & I’ve found that Boudoir has sooooo much more to offer than pretty pictures. I’m so much more aware of the sensitivity that goes into guiding my clients through an experience so delicate.

I don't think people realize that boudoir is a door that often leads my clients to confronting some of their deepest traumas. I’ve had many incredible women in my studio who break down into tears during & after their session, because they finally see themselves in a loving & powerful way.

They finally see past every flaw & are surprised to find that they still love who they are.

 I’ve had clients book a session to feel more connected to their bodies & sexuality for many reasons besides a gift;

  • After becoming a mom

  • Having weight loss surgery

  • Leaving a degrading relationship

  • To regain their power after sexual assault

  • Facing Body Dysmorphia

  • Before or after major surgery

These women are beyond brave & I admire them greatly. Inviting them into a safe space & having them trust me is a gift I’m truly grateful for. It is also something I don’t take lightly, which is why I’ve created such an exceptional experience for them. Feeling safe. Feeling heard. Feeling seen.

Boudoir is powerful.

You deserve a photographer who understands this fully. A photographer who is trained & thoroughly capable of guiding you through such a delicate journey.


2022 in Review | North Carolina Boudoir


Ms. S’s Boudoir Experience